BIC Festival 2021 6th Event Winner Announcement

<BIC Festival 2021 6th Quiz event winner announcement>

Thank you for everyone who participated our event!

Please check the winner down below 

[List of Winners]

Facebook : Chon Yong Sun

Instagram : keonoh_ / kanbaom / seo.___.a / zzinnii_ / queen1931

Twitter : azrael7771 / WJWSqCv2gxba7cM / xnvydyd123 / xTCyCJ22NlwOuK2

(10 persons)

✔ Those who won the event, please fill out the form below and send it by DM untill September 12th

(⚠If information is not given within the due date, your winning will be automatically canceled.)

◼ Form for Locals : BIC 6th event / Name / Contact No. / Domestic Resident / “I agree with the use of personal information”

◼ Form for overseas : BIC 6th event / Name / Contact No. / Overseas / Steam ID / “I agree with the use of personal information”

The prize will be sent to your phone to the number you’ve sent by DM.

For the case of winners from overseas, the prize will be replaced with steam gift code.


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